We develop organizations OF THE FUTURE

As a company, you are courageously breaking new ground and aspiring to make the world a little better? We accompany you with a full heart and an open mind and provide the help you need to achieve your goals and visions.

Our mission: To align the needs of employees with those of the company and the market. For a future fit for grandchildren.

Stories from our clients who said yes to change

Whether large or small. Start-up, medium-sized company or corporate group.
We work with companies that care about the well-being of their management staff and employees. Companies that will still be economically successful tomorrow.
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Growing as an agile organisation

Pain: Bergzeit is on a growth course with more than 100 new employees in the year before the project started. At the same time, two years earlier, they began to gradually move into a new way of working with agile squads and Scrum. At the beginning, it is all about establishing a tailored approach that combines classic departmental structures and cross-functional, agile working.

Gain: They are all motivated at Bergzeit. In this respect, the bottom-up approach was crowned with success, in which a "transformation team" of committed volunteers was found who wanted to dive more deeply into agile working. In the meantime, this team of 14 dedicated employees acts as a valuable multiplier and knowledge carrier for agile hacks, facilitation skills and much more, spreading their competencies into the company. This creates a good foundation for taking the next steps. The focus here is primarily on developing a shared vision of Bergzeit as an agile organization and establishing agile governance throughout the company.

Agile organization development

Pain: The complex goal of closing the ecological loop in the functional apparel industry by 2020 required a creative approach across all divisional boundaries and completely new ways of working together to create sufficient space for disruptive innovation and growth.

Gain: Cross-functional collaboration has unleashed collective creativity. At the same time, new mechanisms help to make effective decisions at team level and to resolve tensions autonomously. Over the 2-year monitoring period, a development took place from a more traditional, hierarchical structure to an organization in which people can grow their potential through leadership roles (professional/cultural) and contribute to achieving the ambitious goal.

Professional support in developing a suitable organization model

Pain: The company had grown rapidly across two locations and was intensely engaged in the question of what kind of organizational model could sustain their particular culture of social proximity, high professional standards and community as they grew.

Gain: With the help of elements of sociocracy 3.0, the flat hierarchy and agile collaboration in projects were brought to a new level. In an intermediate step, a newly created governance circle bundled structural leadership work and fulfilled a two-pronged purpose: releasing acute tensions from teams and developing a sustainable organizational model that maximally empowers newly created, semi-autonomous teams in value creation and enables personal and cultural development.

Coaching for the development of a business plan

Pain: The Leadwise founders developed the idea to build a global, digital learning community on self-organization at a time when online learning opportunities were the exception. However, there were several stumbling blocks in the implementation, including the financial viability of the project.

Gain: The founders realized which steps they needed to take and how to take them in order to turn the idea into a real product. Through a team coaching process, they strengthened their common image and were able to distribute corresponding tasks in a strength-oriented manner or recognized in which areas they needed to seek outside support. They got back into a common flow and managed to realize their product and integrate it into the Semco Style Institute.

Introduction of OKRs and team development

Pain: The start-up had grown rapidly in a short time. In addition to high operational pressure, there was a diffuse dissatisfaction and a loss of the common "we-feeling". This led to the need to anchor the implicit mission statement shared among the founders in the entire team.

Gain: In an early phase, the start-up dealt with the question of which people in the company should act together and how, and which principles and values should guide their actions. Based on this, the start-up was able to specifically find and develop potential talents who fit the corporate culture. People who (want to) grow with their tasks, who act in the interests of the company and who give new impulses based on their own responsibility.

More agile organization, delegation and decentralized decision making with the help of sociocracy 3.0 patterns

Pain: With over 260 employees, the IT service provider was continuing to grow and realized that previous organizational structures were reaching their limits.

Gain: Out of various possible organizational forms, the company decided to apply methods from Sociocracy 3.0 to improve the way of collaboration, strengthen delegation and make decisions where the knowledge is. In a retreat, we accompanied the managers to deepen and try out elements from Sociocracy 3.0. As a result, employees were motivated and empowered to gradually take on more responsibility. A uniform, value-oriented and (even) more agile setting emerged, which met with broad acceptance and strengthened the employees' sense of personal responsibility.

Developing the Organisation Design

Wir bieten eine pragmatische Mischung aus wissenschaftlichen Methoden und praxiserprobten Umsetzungsprozessen. Und wir docken genau dort an, wo Ihre Organisation jetzt gerade steht: Ob Impulsvorträge, Intensivschulungen oder maßgeschneiderte Umsetzungsbegleitung – wir verkaufen kein Patentrezept, sondern entfesseln gemeinsam mit Ihnen das Potential, was ohnehin in Ihrer Mannschaft schlummert.

Agile Organization Development

Mariola und Stella begleiten uns seit Frühjahr diesen Jahres. Wir möchten unsere Unternehmensorganisation auf eine neue Grundlage stellen. Dabei sind wir offen für innovative und mutige Wege, die unsere Strategie unterstützen. Mit Mariola und Stella haben wir einen starken Sparringspartner gewonnen. Sie setzen wirksame Impulse, die alte Krusten aufbrechen und Neues entstehen lassen.

Remote Team Coaching and Strategy Sparring

“We were in the founding phase of our company that is providing self-management knowledge and training to consultants and business clients. As team coach and strategy validator Mariola helped us to work out our purpose, the business model and to get the internal setting right. I particularly enjoyed her deep listening skills, analytical thinking and creativity. Without her we would have not made it as far as quickly.”

We offer hacks for future-oriented companies

Start with why
Employees become entrepreneurs in the company when they identify with the company's purpose. By connecting with the company's purpose, employees develop a sense of purpose in their own actions. This is the fundamental prerequisite for motivation and entrepreneurial thinking. As a result, the WHY acts like a compass that directs energy in a common direction and enables autonomous action. We have a lot of experience in co-creatively formulating the WHY of companies and enabling employees to deeply connect with it.
Leadership and self-control via OKRS
As soon as the WHY is clearly anchored, for complex value creation it is important to align and synchronize on an operative level. Google, LinkedIn and many of our start-ups use OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) for this purpose. They link the WHY and the goals of the company with the individual plans of the employees and set a clear focus for the respective upcoming quarter. In this way, employees and teams organize themselves through transparent, ambitious, and measurable goals.
Decentralized leadership
In self-organization, leadership work is more important than ever. We open up spaces in which leadership can be consciously developed further. Away from top-down management towards a contemporary, decentral and reflected understanding of leadership. The idea of a classical executive is replaced by leadership roles, structures and shared decision-making. Power hierarchies become purpose and goal hierarchies. Closely related to this are decentralized decision-making formats that can be easily learned.
The soft stuff
Self-organization places higher demands on people in organizations. As organizational psychologists, we understand how to equip teams with what they need to work well together. First and foremost come psychological security and trust. Then come genuine listening, giving feedback, and the ability to resolve conflict. Distributed leadership is enabled via collegial coaching. We design team coaching sessions and offsites where teams improve. There, it's all about trust, taking responsibility, clarifying roles and, last but not least, having fun.
Agile organizational structures
Consistent self-organization requires corresponding organizational designs which facilitate agile organizational structures. With Sociocracy 3.0, holacracy, tribe design (Spotify), hybrid variants and teal organizations, there are now proven alternatives to classic hierarchical organizations. We select the elements from the frameworks that fit the respective culture and value creation. As change experts, we know that effective change requires working on structure, attitudes and behavior in equal measure.
Agile work
Using agile methods is not the same as "being agile". As agile coaches, we support Product Owners and Scrum Masters and Servant Leaders to grow in their (new) roles and to live agile values and principles. As of a certain number of employees, it is possible to scale with LeSS. Through Communities of Practice, Open Space Agility and other large group formats, we support cross-functional working and learning within companies, even across locations.
Patterns form Sociocracy 3.0 and Holacracy
Drivers, principle of artful participation and safe enough, good enough, proposal elaboration, consensus decision making, role choice, integration of objections
Scrum and Kanban
Work phases in sprints, backlog planning, retrospectives, working on physical Kanban boards, introduction of Trello, iterative way of working in sprints

Our most effective roles: Court Jester and Servant Leader

The Court Jester

As a mindful and independent observer, we notice what concerns people, which needs they have and we spot beneficial or less-beneficial patterns,  dynamics and behaviors within the organization. Based on that and whenever it is useful for the overall transformation, we hold up a mirror to decision-makers and teams, by artfully bringing up uncomfortable or unconscious issues. For the receivers of such feedback this is a powerful first step for evolving into a better version of themselves. And step by step, people who witness the process and effect of such feedback, learn to address taboos and critical topics without fear, but rather with esteem, courage and clarity.

The Servant Leader of the transformation

In service of the whole organization and with an understanding of individual perspectives, we provide the kind of leadership that is needed to make agile structures work, but which the organization itself can’t provide just yet. This leadership can take on the shape of an interim agile manager, who intensively supports a pilot team, of a facilitator, who brings collaboration, communication and conflict resolution to a new level, of an (agile) Coach/Mentor, who supports people to grow into new roles. We are not bound to one kind of role. Instead we look for the biggest leadership lever and start role-modeling leadership behaviors that are critical to success.

How we start

Time is too valuable to waste on slides for proposals.
We start by getting to know each other, whether remotely or at your site, and get right to work. Contact us now for a first meeting.
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